Have you ever wondered what a charity like us does with your donation?
We change lives! In simple, unexpected and meaningful ways.
This week we had an adult social care referral request for urgent help for a gentleman in our community. He'd been the subject of a combination of factors outside of his control which meant he'd had to sell his bike last year to buy food and has since spiralled into a decline as his bike was his mental and physical release from the situation he found himself in. With help from social services he now has a stable living situation and food, but mentally is struggling. Bikes were his focus in life.
Your donation means we can offer vital support by giving this gentleman a preloved and refurbished bike that will be used daily to help in his rehabilitation. Equally importantly, we’ve also offered him a volunteering placement refurbishing other bikes to support people in similar situations. He has secured a job and his new bike will be vital for that.
Your donation means he now has the opportunity for a new chapter; new learnings, a way to help others and a clear path to improve physical and mental wellbeing.
This just couldn't happen without your support! Thank you.
You can make a difference.
